The other day, I had an interesting train of thought that I'd like to share with you. It all began when someone asked me what my top three most wanted wishes might be--anything, in the whole wide world. I jokingly asked if "world peace" was off the table. I was told that it could be anything. So I gave it due consideration.
In the end, I decided that my top wish is that everyone in the world might know their worth as a loved child of God. If we all really and truly believe how crazy in love God is with us, and live our lives in that knowledge, then world peace just might be achieved. We would have no need for ego or greed, or hatred or whatever else sparks discord the world over. We would be in right relationship with God, and with each other. It isn't just a lofty wish, or a socially appropriate answer. It is my heart's ardent desire.
So then I decided to ask someone else, what their top three wishes were. And guess what? World peace came out as number one again. This got me thinking. It has become cliché that runners up for Miss-America-type pageants often cite world peace as their fondest dream. The saying goes, "When in doubt, just respond 'world peace' and everyone will love you." Ball-gown-wearing-contestants aside, I began to wonder if world peace might not be everyone's secret hope. I confess I didn't conduct much research beyond my two case studies--so none of this has any statistical validity whatsoever. It just became the engine to a train of thought.
The next car on the train looked like this: If we, as a people, collectively long for peace in this world, then does it follow that the current lack of peace is weighing heavy on our collective minds. If you are like me, you will find person after person who is "so tired" or just kind of "depressed." Could this be a result of our deep, sub-conscious disappointment that we do not live in a harmonious world? We are connected more than we realize. Peace becomes an anti-dote to depression.
The last car on my train of thought brought me to how world peace might be realized, and I was reminded of a song I learned years ago. Peace has to begin with me. I must live each moment in peace. That is the simple, but not easy answer. There are so many theories that point to the idea that if something is possible for one, it is possible for all. So the song writer may be on to something. Seek after peace, and pursue it.
Marching forth one peaceful moment at a time...
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