On the merits of a personal holiday
There is something to be said for celebrating a quirky day that is your own personal holiday.
For one thing there are no social expectations that you "should" have a good day because it is Christmas or Easter for goodness sakes or possibly your birthday. Sometimes when those days roll around, you just can't get into the right spirit, and that makes you feel all the worse. You may feel guilty or decide to fake a good mood until the day is done. It is tricky to be joyful on demand.
But with a personal holiday, the world is a brighter place--because it is lit from within you. When the sun is shining in your heart--the external circumstances simply don't matter. The weather could be formidable, bleak and dreary. You could struggle with every task before you. But it would all look like you were viewing the world through your proverbial "rose-colored-glasses." The power of positive thinking cannot be understated!
Now people may criticize you for being so upbeat. They may call you a Pollyanna--someone who can only see the positives in each situation. And they will mean this as a put-down.
Who cares? It is just too much fun to see the lighter side of life. Yes, there is pain. Yes there are sorrows and trials and crosses to bear. But there is also hope and friendship and blessings at every turn. Both exist in this world. I just happen to dwell on the positives whenever I can.
So today, all has been right with the world. The birds sang a little sweeter. Lunch was a little bit tastier. I worked just a little more intensely during my exercise time. It was an ordinary day, made extraordinary by sheer perspective--and the thoughtfulness of many, many friends.
Thank you all for joining me in this annual celebration of March 4th. I am unable to suppress my smile!
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