Friday, January 11, 2013

Be yourself...everyone else is taken

I was raised in an atmosphere where I felt encouraged to be unique. This may have been due in part to the fact that I am the middle child of a seven children, so claiming uniqueness was my way to try to "stand out in the crowd" of my family. (You who are in the middle, know of what I speak.)

Whether or not it was identity survival, or the milieu  of my generation which promoted a rebellious attitude toward anything "established", I must have taken the message to heart. I distinctly remember being the speaker at my eighth grade graduation. My self-selected topic was "You put the U in Unique!"

So today I find myself questioning the appropriate method for developing this blog. I have been scanning other blogs to determine topic focus and length. I debate whether or not I should blog daily, weekly or just when I have something even remotely interesting to say. In this age of information overload, do I really have anything more to contribute? Are my thoughts unique and fresh, or are they merely the rehashing of thoughts that are already floating around out there in cyberspace?

It is with no small measure of relief that I have decided I don't care if I am doing this incorrectly. The main thing is that I am doing it. I will reclaim my youthful perspective that I am, in fact, a unique voice in this cacophony of thought. And so, in my own quiet way, I will march forth!

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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