Wednesday, January 9, 2013

These strawberries are delicious!

Whenever I find myself in one of those situations that I didn't plan, and am forced to "go with the flow", I am reminded of the story of the man who was hanging off the side of a cliff.  Rather than worry about how he got there, or what would happen in the future, he simply plucked a wild strawberry off the bush he was clinging to and declared "These strawberries are delicious!"  I am paraphrasing the original story, but I heard it in the context of how to be mindful and just live in the moment.

Now I admit that I am bit of a planner--full disclosure a controller--so I need constant reminders to be mindful and appreciate what is right before me. Yesterday's lesson came in the form of a computer shut-down for nearly an hour, right at the time that I conduct most of my computer-related business. Those of you who are computer dependent will immediately relate. First came the feeling of frustration--but very quickly I adapted and read an article in a magazine that I had been wanting to read. And it was delicious! 

Happy marching forth and while you are marching, don't forget to enjoy the strawberries.

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