Sunday, January 20, 2013

On finding your quest

It only takes a spark...

Have you ever found yourself in the presence of someone who was so enthusiastically passionate about something that you couldn't help but share in the excitement? It is energizing and uplifting to merely bask in their zeal. I had that privilege this weekend. A friend of mine shared his personal quest with a group of us, and it was nothing less than inspiring. The focus, and the commitment, and the pure clarity with which this person explained his quest--his north star--filled us with a kind of collaborative joy. We wanted him to succeed, whether or not we believed in his quest, but because he believed in it so strongly.
The nobility of his purpose was not unlike the character of Don Quixote fighting windmills in Man of La Mancha. (Now I'm not saying that my friend is crazy--though others may think him so. Such may be the fate of those who follow the dreams that others may find impractical.)
For my part, I found it refreshing to hear someone share a goal that meant so much to him. It wasn't one of those "new year resolution" kind of goals--one of those "Someday, I really want to ________(fill in the blank.) No, this was a very intentional, very measurable goal, and as it happens, very unlikely to be achieved. Perhaps that is what made it so inspiring.  As realistic as he was, and as honest as he was about his doubts, he was absolutely sure that this was a goal that he wanted to pursue—no matter the outcome.

As a result, the room was filled with electricity as he spoke. When I had the opportunity to share his story with a mutual friend the next day, I relayed it with the same degree of excitement and vitality and the spark of energy was transferred to yet another person.

I believe this is what occurs when we have struck upon a true quest--an authentic north star--a raison d'etre if you will. When the simple sharing of our vision stirs and inspires others who have no previous invested interest or buy-in or when a new energy is created by just the idea, we have come upon something pure and true, and worthy of pursuit.

I encourage you to take some time to dream about what it is that you really want to pursue in this life and seek after your true quest. It doesn't have to be a quest in the traditional sense--a physical journey--but you will know you have found it when others are drawn to the energy of your purpose. This is powerful stuff.

May my friend march on his quest, and may we all seek and find quests worthy of marching forth!


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